A Dizzying Array of Fluff

A Dizzying Array of Fluff

As is per usual, I’ve been meaning to write a post but, you know, procrastination. Why am I here now? Well, I have something more heinous to do so I’m putting that off to write this. Hey, maybe I’m on to something! What is it that’s so terrible it’s driving me to blog? I am the recording secretary for the NH State Firemen’s Association and I have to transcribe the minutes of our last meeting from my notes, with assistance from the meeting’s Zoom recording. Had I only known how tedious that job is… Oh and yes I know, it should be “Firefighter’s” instead of Firemen. 124 years of tradition unimpeded by progress.

I volunteered for the second year in a row at the NH Film Festival last weekend and it was a lot of work however, it was also a lot of fun! The Festival is an Academy Award ® qualifying festival for the Short Film Awards so it has some traction in the Industry. I will be in the Industry soon so it’s nice to be around energetic individuals who are taking part in it. It’s generally not hard to tell who the Artists are as they all have smiles on their faces, are surprisingly relaxed, and are dressed stylishly comfortable. That’ll be hard for me to pull off, maybe I can make old uptight white guy the new festival vogue. The Festival dates for next year haven’t been announced yet but it’s generally the weekend after Indigenous Peoples’ Day (Columbus Day). I would highly recommend attending and you can get more information at www.nhfilmfestival.com.

I’ve been looking at ways to monetize this website. No, really. Hey, will you stop laughing!! Other than the “Buy Me a Coffee/Beer” widget and the egregious lack of relevant content, I got nothing. I’ve considered adding Google Ads but 1: no content, and 2: most of the Google Ads I’ve seen, even on mainstream websites are crap. I’ve also been to blogs where it’s one giant ad space interrupted occasionally by the content you actually wanted to read. I don’t want to do that to you. So, I’ll be adding some links to some of the books I’m currently reading as well as the books I’ve read pertaining to writing and those that I’ve read purely for enjoyment. I also have something else in the works that’ll either muddle things up or bring unencumbered joy to the masses.

I previously touched on it in another blog, there’s only two others currently (eyeroll), but I’ve given up Instagram. Just wasn’t anything that I found useful, joyful, or otherwise beneficial to human society whatsoever. I know, how will I survive living in this world of misinformed, narcissistic hipsters?! I think I’ll manage, though my future Agent and Publicist probably won’t agree with me. Just to reiterate, I’m not on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Threads, Snapchat, LinkedIn, YouTube, Discord, blah, blah, blah. I told you I’m going to rock old uptight white guy! So, if you want any content from me, you’ll have to come on over to this antiquated technology called a website. Who knew?

Well, I guess I have to get to transcribing those notes. Blecchh!!