Been A Long Time

Been A Long Time

September 2, 2022. That’s the date of my last post. Pathetic.

While I have left this website here to rot since then, I have, believe it or not, been writing. No, really, I have. I also seem to really like commas too, apparently. Not that I’ve actually done as much writing as I should be doing but, in light of my all star performance in procrastination over the years, I’ll take it (I also went on a trip to Ireland. Not an excuse, just bragging here). Why am I here now? Well, several reasons and no, guilt really isn’t one of them. Firstly, I have finally come to a conclusion that I have too many half started stories in my head, and in my laptop, and I want to see how they turn out. Secondly, I have plans for what I would like to do with the rest of my life and I’m hopefully going to help fund those plans with my writing. Finally, I can’t make those plans come to fruition if I don’t actually write something. And finish it. I could also add that I received an email this morning from JetPack giving me my website stats for last month. I had ten visitors and eleven views. Not bad for not doing anything so, maybe if I work at it. Incidentally, I do have a Plan B, and it doesn’t involve me doing any pole dancing, fortunately.

Speaking of work, I have a few screenplay ideas rolling around, none of them very exciting, however they do seem to be sticking around. I have completed several short stories, all of which need to be edited, rewritten, reworked or thrown out and I have several ideas for more. I’ve also started a book but, don’t get too excited about it, while I feel the story is good, I’m not sure if I currently have the mettle to write it. Of course, I still have the TV show idea, which you can take a look at by clicking on the Story Time tab on this website. It’s gotten some interest from a couple of production companies and a talent agency, but that’s about it so far. Something else I need to work on is how to get it out there to the right people.

I’ll finish this up today, but I will be back soon. It’s true.

Thanks for reading!
