And Away We Go!

And Away We Go!

I gave up social media about two years ago, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, all gone. I kept YouTube, because, you know, fail videos, and Snap Chat to keep in touch with my family and friends. The problem at the time was that I was letting Social Media rule me and not the other way around. That, and I was tired of the acidic vitriol and blatant narcissism being vomited just about non-stop all over my feeds . While it has been a very nice break and I highly recommend it, it has been very isolating to a certain degree so it will be nice to reconnect on a digital level. I’ve also been working through a lot of things as they relate to the “what am I going to do with my life now?” questions that popped up after I retired from the Fire Service three years ago. Anyone reading this who knows me, knows that I’ve been working to find my creative niche as a writer for quite some time now. With plans starting to fall in to place (FINALLY!! Oh lord my poor wife!), I’ve decided to make some sort of feeble attempt at a writer’s “brand” using Social Media.

While I have no current plans to jump back on to Twitter or Facebook, I did just create an Instagram account to facilitate this new “branding.” My current “pie in the sky” plan is to document my adventures, exciting and otherwise, as a writer and a guy of a certain age as I redefine my life from directionless retiree to a paragon of narcissistic old age. So please join me on my new journey, mostly because I have a frail ego but otherwise because I want to make bank as an influencer.

Yours in Zuckerberg,
